Tuesday, October 26, 2010

sleep apnea test

If you have been feeling exceptionally tired during the day and for no apparent reason then you might be suffering from the sleep disorder known as apnea. It may be wise to take a sleep apnea test to make a diagnosis.

Apnea can be a very serious condition as it affects the ability to breathe correctly while asleep. It is caused by a problem with the muscles in the airway that may become relaxed and block the passage when an individual is sleeping. This lack of breathing then causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen carried in the bloodstream. The result of this is that the brain will send an emergency signal which wakes the person up.

Before you can get yourself admitted to a specialist sleep clinic for medical tests it may be sensible to ask a family member or friend to watch over you while you sleep. They should be able to observe any events associated with breathing problems. If you live alone then you could set up a web cam or video camera to record yourself while you are asleep.

If you suspect that sleep apnea is an issue, the next step would be to consult your physician. They are likely to ask you a series of questions relating to your condition as well as carrying out a physical examination and various tests. The tests such as blood pressure and blood samples are mainly used to rule out other illnesses as being a cause.

If your doctor thinks that sleep apnea may be an issue for you, then they will make an appointment for you with a specialist sleep center. Here they will conduct more advanced tests which may include putting you in a dark room and seeing how easy it is for you to sleep as well as stay awake. 

When you undergo a sleep apnea test, certain functions will be monitored while you are actually sleeping. One of these involves a small device known as an oximeter which is attached to your finger and sends pulses of light into the skin. The absorption rate of this light will show how much oxygen is present in your bloodstream.

Some sleep study centers employ a polysomnograph in their sleep apnea test.  This test involves a number of electrodes being attached to the body which will measure not just the amount of oxygen in the blood but also the breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and the various stages of sleep that you experience.


  1. I found your blog while looking the internet for information related to sleep apnea test. Anyway, sleep apnea can be very harmful and even dangerous. So it is really important to know if we suffer from sleep apnea or not. When we do snore from time to time, there is a good possibility that we do suffer from a sleep apnea, even if we are not aware of it.

  2. Thanks for providing information related to sleep apnea . It is really important.

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